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We offer consultancy and governance services to help your organisation achieve its potential. Whether it's navigating government and regulation, innovating through R&D and design-led product development, developing your strategy, or engaging your employees, community and stakeholders, In Perspective can help you.

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Connections to make a difference

Navigating government can be confusing and feel overwhelming. Our extensive connections and over 20 years' experience within and across central and local government can help you build relationships and communicate your message.

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The Scoop About Us

About In Perspective

Justine Gilliland is the founder of In Perspective.  She is an experienced leader, communicator and strategist. She has over 20 years' experience in the wider public service and working closely with the private sector, particularly in the areas of sector and enterprise development, and innovation and growth. She has CEO, C-suite and governance experience across the food and fibre, energy, research/innovation, tourism and health sectors. 

Justine has experience leading people; setting vision, direction and strategy; delivering outcomes; and engaging stakeholders (including Government Ministers) and communities. Justine looks for solutions and innovations that deliver.

She is currently a director of Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, AGMARDT (Agricultural Marketing, Research and Development Trust), ESR (Environmental Science Research), Tui Ora, and Economic Development NZ, alongside other NFP and private company governance roles.

Her past roles have included:

​·     Chief Executive, Venture Taranaki

·     Deputy Director-General Sector Partnerships and Programmes, Ministry for Primary Industries

·     Director Investment Programmes, Ministry for Primary Industries

·     Executive Director, Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Canterbury Earthquakes' Building Failures

·     Head of Communications, Land Information New Zealand

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New Plymouth, New Zealand

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